
Friday, September 28, 2012

Meet our newest bunny!

At home now with our newest bunny addition.  A beautiful baby english angora buck that we got from a farm north of Chicago. We named him Cumin and he is 10 weeks old.  He will be a future sire for us.   Be on the lookout for information on how you too can get a bunny. We are going to start breeding these little balls of fluff to sell because they are just too darn cute and cuddly not to. Let me know if you need some bunny to love..!  Contact me at the e-mail listed above!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Are you in need of some bunny love?

Welcome to my first blog post.  This website is designed to let you know about my rabbitry.  I raise and breed English Angora Bunnies.  Here you will find information on up-coming litters so you can chose the right bunny for your home.  My bunnies are sweet and docile and are ideal for everyone in the family.  Their wool is exceptional for the hand-spinner.  And last but not least, their manure is perfect in the edible garden to help you to grow healthy plants that will give you an abundance of fruits and veggies.  (The bunnies won't mind eating any extra nibbles of carrots or lettuce you might have!)